
Friday 15 November 2013

Sorrel Drink - The Authentic Trinbago Way

Hmm, yes people it's that time of the year again...Christmas. And in Trinidad and Tobago we prepare two drinks during this season. One being Sorrel and the other Ginger Beer. Now pull out your pen and notebooks..cause this recipe is for you.
Oh and for the health conscious, Sorrel is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. It also provides you with adequate among of fiber. All that and it tastes good! Enjoy.


1-2 cups of dried sorrel petals
1 tbsp cloves
1 piece of dried orange peel
1 cinnamon stick (optional)
10 cups of water
1 cup sugar (or more to taste)


  1. Allow 10 cups of water to boil in a large pot 
  2. Then add the sorrel, sugar, cinnamon stick, cloves and orange peel
  3. Let boil for 45 minutes while occasional stirring is required every 15 mins or so
  4. Cover tightly and steep overnight (or for approximately 2 hours for those who can't wait)
  5. Strain the juice into a large mug or pitcher 
  6. Serve chilled 
If you find it a bit sweet you can always add water. Do enjoy and give me some feedback on how the recipe worked for you.

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